Wattle and Daub? Isn't That, Like, Mud?

Celtic Iron Age Wattle and Daub Hut

A building technique known for 6000 years, wattle and daub construction appears in climates from northern Europe to temperate North and Mesoamerica to equatorial Africa. Wattle is made by weaving branches or thin slats between vertical stakes. Clay or lime bind the material; sand or crushed stone give stability and weight. The whole is reinforced and made flexible by straw, hair or dung.

This Earth-friendly construction option is available to tribal peoples, peasants, princes and pioneers; shelters range from rickety and barely tolerable to comforting and delightful to austere and grand.

Which has what, exactly, to do with Books?

It has more to do with writing. We create varied and well-crafted books, ones that have in common a closeness to the elements of our world. Words crafted from soil, water, wind and sapling and sweat. Words about our common bonds, common injuries, our vision and our failings. Words not lifted so far from the earth that the human heart is obscured, but arising so closely from it that the heart, and the mind, are in some small way revealed.

Welcome to Wattle and Daub Books. May you find comfort, inspiration, and stimulation within its walls.

—Susan Pinkus, Publisher